Xbox One 500gb/2 Pads/3 Games of your choice- Games also sold separately Private ad

Thursday 04:59:15 am - For Sale - Dubai

AED 1200

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Details: Posted on: 2nd May 2016 Age: 1-2 years Usage: Used an average amount, as frequently as would be expected Condition: Perfect inside and out Package: Gaming System + Games & Controllers Description: Selling Xbox One 500gb including 2 pads with battery packs and headset Following games available and sold separately: Far Cry Primal - 150 AED Far Cry 4 - 80 AED GTA V - 150 AED Metal Gear Solid V - 150 AED Tomb Raider & Rise of the Tomb Raider - 80 AED each Mortal Kombat X - 150 AED Batman Arkham Knight - 150 AED Sunset Overdrive - 100 A